Choice of saw blades for cutting aluminum

Choice of saw blades for cutting aluminum

Choice of saw blades for cutting aluminum Aluminum cutting saw blades are the most commonly used cutting tools for aluminum processing. The quality of carbide saw blades is closely related to the quality of processed products. The correct and reasonable selection of carbide saw blades is of great significance to improving product quality, shortening processing

Internal calibration procedures for outside micrometers

Internal calibration procedures for outside micrometers

Internal calibration procedures for outside micrometers The width of the vertical engraved line on the fixed sleeve and the engraved line on the differential cylinder is (0.08~0.20)mm, and the difference in engraved line width should not be greater than 0.03mm. 6、 The indication error of the outer diameter micrometer should be within the range specified

The principle of three-point inside diameter micrometer

The principle of three-point inside diameter micrometer

The principle of three-point inside diameter micrometer The three-point inner diameter micrometer is a commonly used measuring tool used to measure the inner diameter of workpieces. it is made up of threeIt consists of two measuring styli, which are located on three sides of the micrometer. Two of the stylus can be used to measure

The difference between impact drill bit and twist drill bit

The difference between impact drill bit and twist drill bit

The difference between impact drill bit and twist drill bit There are different types of drill bits. According to the drilling method, one is an impact drill and the other is a twist drill. What is the difference between the two? 1. What are the differences between impact drill bits and twist drill bits? 1….

La différence entre une fraise diamantée et une fraise en acier au tungstène

La différence entre une fraise diamantée et une fraise en acier au tungstène

La différence entre une fraise diamantée et une fraise en acier au tungstène 1. Tungsten steel knives and diamond knives are made of different materials The main manufacturing material of tungsten steel knives is tungsten steel (also known as high-speed steel), which is an alloy steel with high wear resistance, high temperature resistance and high hardness. Therefore,…

Spécifications et types d'alésoirs couramment utilisés

Spécifications et types d'alésoirs couramment utilisés

Commonly used reamer specifications and types Reamer is a cutting tool used to process reamed holes (c'est à dire. filetages internes). Il est souvent utilisé en usinage mécanique. Au travail. Les alésoirs peuvent être disponibles en plusieurs tailles et types en fonction des différents besoins et matériaux de traitement.. Cet article présentera certaines spécifications et types d'alésoirs couramment utilisés.. 1….