What is the difference between home and industrial vernier calipers?
Accuracy is not the same
这 vernier caliper is a measuring tool for measuring length, 内径和外径, 和深度. 游标卡尺由两部分组成, 主尺和附在主尺上的滑动游标. The main ruler is generally in millimeters, 游标有 10, 20 or 50 divisions. According to the different divisions, the vernier calipers can be divided into ten-degree vernier calipers, twenty-degree vernier calipers, and fifty-degree vernier calipers. The vernier is 9mm for 10 graduations, 19mm for 20 graduations, and 49mm for 50 graduations. The main scale and vernier of the vernier caliper have two sets of movable claws, which are the inner measuring claw and the outer measuring claw. The inner measuring claw is usually used to measure the inner diameter, and the outer measuring claw is usually used to measure the length and outer diameter.