/ / / Bfl Taper Shank Endmill Ball Nose Lathe Carbide Cutting Tools Router Bits Cnc End Mill Milling Cutter

Bfl Taper Shank Endmill Ball Nose Lathe Carbide Cutting Tools Router Bits Cnc End Mill Milling Cutter


Profesionálny výrobca

  • Fajka Kvalita zaručená
  • Fajka Pokročilé vybavenie
  • Fajka Super Materiál
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Zobraziť produkty

We provide different types of milling cutters, drill bits, tap&dies, inserts and provide customized services for different specifications of products according to customer needs. Click here to Contact us!

Welcome send us drawing as below

Parametre produktu

Meno Produktu
Ball Nose 2 Flutes End Mill
Spiral Angle
vzorová služba
LOGO na mieru
Dizajn na mieru

Profil spoločnosti





1.How could I get a sample?
Before we received the first order, please afford the sample cost and express fee. We will return the sample cost back to you within your first order.

2. How to customize products?
First of all, we need you to send us the customized drawings and tell us the requirements of the products, such as coating requirements, angle requirements, flute requirements and hardness requirements. Then we will provide customized services according to your requirements.

3.Prečo je vaša cena vyššia ako u inej spoločnosti?
Pretože na spracovanie produktov používame vysokokvalitné suroviny. A kvalita našich produktov je absolútne zaručená.

4. Čo je MOQ?
We have fixed MOQ for each of our products. Ale ak potrebujete menej, it's okay, pretože zmeníme cenu podľa vášho množstva.
5.Aká je výrobná kapacita vašej spoločnosti?Silná výrobná kapacita.
Naša továreň má nielen viac ako 40 roky skúseností, ale je tiež vybavený SAACKE, TX7+, WALTER a ďalšie číslicovo riadené stroje.
6.Co sa tyka prepravy a terminu dodania?Normally we use shipment to transprot the goods.It is about 25-40 days.It also denpends on which coutry and port you are.And our logistics methods also include DHL, HK,UPS,FedEx, atď. If there are some emergencies we can send the goods via air express, as longas you afford the traffic expense.


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