Инструкция по эксплуатации трехкулачкового микрометра пистолетного типа.
Инструкция по эксплуатации трехкулачкового микрометра пистолетного типа.
Internal micrometers are generally divided into digital display, микрометры внутреннего диаметра с резьбой и тремя захватами. Ниже, Beirui Kexin расскажет вам, что такое микрометр внутреннего диаметра с тремя захватами и инструкции по его использованию.?
The three-claw inner diameter micrometer uses the spiral pair principle to radially displace the three measuring claws by rotating the tower-shaped Archimedean spiral or moving cone, so that it contacts the inner hole to be measured, and reads the inner diameter of the inner hole. micrometer.
The three-claw inner diameter micrometer is a measuring tool that automatically centers and measures the inner diameter. It is characterized by high measurement accuracy, stable indication value, simple use, and can measure parts with no through holes.
Use of three-jaw inside micrometer
- Before use, wipe the measuring surfaces of the micrometer and the corresponding calibration ring clean, place the calibration ring on the platform, then vertically extend the required micrometer into the calibration ring hole, and rotate the force measuring device no less than 3 times. Compare with the actual size of the calibration ring. If there is any difference, loosen the screw on the micrometer fixing sleeve. After aligning the engraved line with the reading, tighten the screw and repeat the calibration once before use.
- When measuring, place the measuring claw lightly in the hole so that the measuring claw gradually approaches the hole wall. Rotate the force measuring device no less than 3 times to make the measuring claw close to the hole wall to obtain readings. Note that the measuring claw should not be in the hole during measurement. Slide inside the hole and the ruler body should not shake.
- For a three-jaw inner diameter micrometer with a measuring range of 6-8, 8-10, and 10-12 мм, when rotating the micrometer cylinder to retract the measuring jaws, be careful: do not rotate it beyond the lower limit of the measuring range by 1 mm to avoid the guide pin coming out. The guide groove.