/ / / Factory High Quality Compatible SDS-PLUS Shank YG8 Carbide 4 Pit 4 Flute and 4 Cutting Edges Hammer Drill Bit

Factory High Quality Compatible SDS-PLUS Shank YG8 Carbide 4 Pit 4 Flute and 4 Cutting Edges Hammer Drill Bit


Professional Manufacturer

  • Check Mark Quality Guaranteed
  • Check Mark Advanced Equipment
  • Check Mark Super Material


Products Show
Our models size from 6*110mm to 20*260mm. U l-prodotti tagħna jappoġġjaw servizzi personalizzati. Jekk ma jkunx hemm mudell li trid fl-istampa, tista 'tikkuntattja lis-servizz tal-klijent għall-adattament.

Paramenters tal-Prodott
isem tal-prodott
4 Pit 4 Flute and 4 Cutting Edges Hammer Drill Bits
40CR+Carbide tip
carbide tip
servizz tal-kampjun
LOGO drawwa
Disinn tad-dwana
Profil tal-Kumpanija
1.Are you a factory or a trading company?
We are 70 years+ professional manufacturer in cutting tools industry.

We guarantee our products are factory price.
2.Do you have your products in stock ?
Generally, conventional products are in stock. You’d better ask customer service.
3.Why your price is higher than other company?
Because we use high-quality raw materials to process products. And the quality of our products has absolutely gauranteed.
4. What is the MOQ?
We We have fixed MOQ for each of our products. But if you need less, it’s okay, as we will change the price according to your quantity.
5.What is the production capacity of your company?Strong production capacity.
Our factory not only has more than 70 years of experience, iżda wkoll hija mgħammra b'SAACKE, TX7+, WALTER u magni oħra ta 'kontroll numeriku.
6.Xi ngħidu dwar id-data tat-trasport u l-kunsinna?Normalment nużaw il-ġarr biex jittrasportaw il-merkanzija. Huwa madwar 10-30 ġurnata. Jiddependi wkoll minn liema pajjiż u port int. U l-metodi ta 'loġistika tagħna jinkludu wkoll DHL, HK,UPS,FedEx, eċċ.


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