Indikatur tad-dijametru ta 'ġewwa

Indikatur tad-dijametru ta 'ġewwa

Indikatur tal-arloġġ tad-dijametru ta 'ġewwa Il-ħruxija tal-wiċċ tal-kejl tad-dijametru intern tat-tip tar-rebbiegħa ta' espansjoni ma taqbiżx 0.1um. L-azzar tal-kejl tal-gauge tad-dijametru intern tat-tip ballun tal-azzar Il-ħruxija tal-wiċċ tal-ballun u l-ballun tal-azzar tal-pożizzjonament m'għandux jaqbeż 0.05um. Kampjun tar-raġġ għal paragun tar-radju sferiku tas-sonda. Ir-rekwiżiti huma kollha inqas minn 1/2…

Z-axis tool setter standard introduction

Z-axis tool setter standard introduction

Z-axis tool setter standard introduction In CNC machine tool processing, accurate tool setting is a crucial step. The Z-axis tool setter istools that play an important role in this process. It can accurately determine the height position of the workpiece surface by detecting the height of the cutting tool in the Z-axis direction.In order to

Principle of use of centering lever dial indicator

Principle of use of centering lever dial indicator

Principle of use of centering lever dial indicator I. IntroductionThe centering lever dial indicator is used to measure the length, dijametru, thickness and other dimensions of objects.Precision measuring tools. It adopts the lever principle and mechanical transmission principle, and measures the leverMicro deformation of the rod ruler to achieve accurate measurement. F1 * L1 =

Complete specifications and models of chamfering cutters and milling cutters

Complete specifications and models of chamfering cutters and milling cutters

Complete specifications and models of chamfering cutters and milling cutters Chamfering cutters and chamfering milling cutters are commonly used tools in machining for chamfering and milling workpieces. This article will elaborate on the specifications and models of chamfering cutters and chamfering milling cutters, the rotation speed and feed rate of chamfering cutters of milling machines,…

Introduzzjoni għall-fajls rotatorji

Introduzzjoni għall-fajls rotatorji

Introduction to rotary files Until the mid-1980s, il-biċċa l-kbira tal-fajls rotatorji kienu manifatturati bl-idejn. Bl-iżvilupp dejjem jikber tat-teknoloġija tal-kontroll numeriku tal-kompjuter, magni awtomatizzati bdew isiru popolari, isserraħ fuqhom biex jaqtgħu fajls rotatorji ta 'kwalunkwe forma ta' groove, u biex tadattahom għal rekwiżiti speċifiċi ta 'qtugħ billi tirqim it-tarf tad-denb. The

X'inhu chuck tar-rebbiegħa?

X'inhu chuck tar-rebbiegħa?

X'inhu chuck tar-rebbiegħa? Collets tar-rebbiegħa jissejħu collets jew collets. Huwa tagħmir ċilindriku użat biex iżżomm drill bits jew cutters tat-tħin installati fuq magni tat-tħin. Huwa tip ta 'apparat li jiffissa użat biex jiffissa u jsaħħaħ il-partijiet li jeħtieġ li jiġu modifikati. Allura x'jagħmel collet tar-rebbiegħa? 1….