About us

our mission

Shanghai Qingzong Trading Co., Ltd.

Since its establishment, the company has always adhere to the product quality as the cornerstone, from the material characteristics, processing technology, quality standards, production cycle, delivery capacity, customs clearance and commodity inspection.

Each process are excellence, is committed to continuously improving customer experience, and take this as the company’s highest purpose, always forward, never stop.

Сапат, кесипкөйлүк жана натыйжалуулук биздин милдетибиз, мындан ары да езубуздун мил-деттенмелерибизден тайбай алга карай бара беребиз.

Factory show

manufacturing shop

popular questions

Frequently asked questions

Биз 70 жыл + кесүүчү аспаптар тармагында кесипкөй өндүрүүчүсү.
Биздин өнүмдөр заводдун баасы экенине кепилдик беребиз.

Жалпысынан, кадимки буюмдар кампада бар. You’d better ask customer service.

Because we use high-quality raw materials to process products. And the quality of our products has absolutely gauranteed.

We have fixed MOQ for each of our products. But if you need less, it’s okay, анткени биз бааны сиздин санына жараша өзгөртөбүз.

Strong production capacity.
Our factory not only has more than 70 years of experience, but also is equipped with SAACKE, TX7+, WALTER and other numerical control machines.

Көбүнчө биз жүктөрдү жеткирүү үчүн жөнөтүүнү колдонобуз. Бул болжол менен 10-30 күн. Бул сиздин кайсы порт жана порт экениңизге да көз каранды.. Ал эми биздин логистикалык ыкмалары да DHL камтыйт, HK,UPS,FedEx, жана башкалар.

Devoted to providing better services,lower cost


our team

Meet Our Expert Team Members

Mary Ma


Anais Fang


doris du


marshall ma


Devoted to providing better services,lower cost


who we are

Shanghai Qingzong Trading Co., Ltd. is located in Shanghai, Кытай.

Ишкананын негизги продукциясына машина жабдуулары кирет, жогорку ендурумдуу тустуу металлдарды жана легирленген материалдарды, металл буюмдар, приборлор, механикалык тетиктер жана тетиктер, подшипник тиштүү жана берүү тетиктери, жана башкалар.

The products are widely used in machinery, metallurgy, measurement, coal, petroleum, chemical industry, textile and national defense and other fields.

The company has a complete range of products and specifications, obvious scale advantages, related products and technologies have obtained a number of Chinese patents and quality certification in China and abroad, exported to Europe, America, Southeast Asia and other dozens of countries and regions, with a high reputation.

Биз менен байланыш

Көбүрөөк Кызматтар керек?