/ / / / new designs Resolution 0.0005/0.01Mm Price Slide Stainless Steel Vernier Caliper Digital Electronic

new designs Resolution 0.0005/0.01Mm Price Slide Stainless Steel Vernier Caliper Digital Electronic


Professional Manufacturer

  • Check Mark Quality Guaranteed
  • Check Mark Advanced Equipment
  • Check Mark Super Material



Products Show

Produktu Paramentatzaileak
produktuaren izena
Stainless Steel Digital Caliper
GB/T 21389
Stainless Steel
Design custom
1.How could I get a sample?
Before we received the first order, please afford the sample cost and express fee. We will return the sample cost back to you within your first order.

2. Sample time?
Existing items: Within 15 days.
3. Whether you could make our brand on your products?
Yes. We can print your Logo on both the products and the packages if you can meet our MOQ.
4. How to guarantee the quality of your products?
1) Strict detection during production.
2) Strict sampling inspection on products before shipment and intact product packaging ensured.
5.Zein da zure enpresaren ekoizpen-ahalmena?Ekoizpen ahalmen handia. Gure fabrikak ez du baino gehiago 40 urteko esperientzia, baina SAACKE-rekin ere hornituta dago, TX7+, WALTER eta zenbakizko kontroleko beste makina batzuk, and also imported M250CNC1A numerical control groove grinding machine from GHIRINGHELLI Company. Has a strong equipment foundation.6.What about the transportation and delivery date?Normally we use shipment to transprot the goods.It is about 25-40 days.It also denpends on which coutry and port you are.It couldbe shorter if you need to send the goods like Asian. If there are some emergencies we can send the goods via air express, as longas you afford the traffic expense.


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