Metal Secret Phrase Matric & Tub Manual Pipe Thearding Sets M20 Round M1 Tap And M.1 M30 Die Set 18 PCS Tap & Die Set
EnquiryProfessional Manufacturer
- Quality Guaranteed
- Advanced Equipment
- Super Material
Product Overview
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Herrialde eta eskualde ezberdinen arabera, logistika-garraioaren muga 10 ~ 30 egun ingurukoa da. Eta gure logistika-metodoek DHL ere barne hartzen dute., HK,UPS,FedEx, etab.

Produktu Paramentatzaileak

produktuaren izena | 18PCS Tap&Die Set |
material | HSS |
standard | ISO 529 |
coating | customization |
sample service | accpet |
LOGO custom | accpet |
Design custom | accpet |
Usage | threading |

Company Profile



1.Are you a factory or a trading company? We are 70 years+ professional manufacturer in cutting tools industry.
We guarantee our products are factory price.
2.Do you have your products in stock ? Generally, conventional products are in stock. You’d better ask customer service.
3.Why your price is higher than other company? Because we use high-quality raw materials to process products. And the quality of our products has absolutely gauranteed.
4. What is the MOQ?
We We have fixed MOQ for each of our products. But if you need less, it’s okay, prezioa zure kantitatearen arabera aldatuko baitugu.
5.Zein da zure enpresaren ekoizpen-ahalmena?Ekoizpen ahalmen handia.
Gure fabrikak ez du baino gehiago 70 urteko esperientzia, baina SAACKE-rekin ere hornituta dago, TX7+, WALTER eta zenbakizko kontroleko beste makina batzuk.
6.Zer esan garraio eta entrega dataz?Normalean bidalketa erabiltzen dugu salgaiak garraiatzeko. 10-30 egun ingurukoa da. Gainera, zein herrialde eta portu zaren araberakoa da.. Eta gure logistika metodoek DHL ere barne hartzen dute, HK,UPS,FedEx, etab.

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