Barruko diametroa dial adierazlea

Barruko diametroa dial adierazlea

Inner diameter dial indicator The surface roughness of the expansion spring-type inner diameter gauge does not exceed 0.1um. The measuring steel of the steel ball-type inner diameter gaugeThe surface roughness of the ball and positioning steel ball shall not exceed 0.05um. Radius sample for probe spherical radiusBoard comparison. The requirements are all less than 1/2

Z-axis tool setter standard introduction

Z-axis tool setter standard introduction

Z-axis tool setter standard introduction In CNC machine tool processing, accurate tool setting is a crucial step. The Z-axis tool setter istools that play an important role in this process. It can accurately determine the height position of the workpiece surface by detecting the height of the cutting tool in the Z-axis direction.In order to

Zentratzeko palankaren adierazlearen erabilera-printzipioa

Zentratzeko palankaren adierazlearen erabilera-printzipioa

Zentratzeko palankaren adierazlearen erabilera-printzipioa I. Sarrera Zentratzeko palankaren dial adierazlea luzera neurtzeko erabiltzen da, diametroa, lodiera eta objektuen beste dimentsio batzuk.Doitasunez neurtzeko tresnak. Palankaren printzipioa eta transmisio mekanikoaren printzipioa hartzen ditu, eta hagaxka-erregelaren mikro-deformazioa neurtzen du neurketa zehatza lortzeko. F1 * L1 =…

Complete specifications and models of chamfering cutters and milling cutters

Complete specifications and models of chamfering cutters and milling cutters

Complete specifications and models of chamfering cutters and milling cutters Chamfering cutters and chamfering milling cutters are commonly used tools in machining for chamfering and milling workpieces. This article will elaborate on the specifications and models of chamfering cutters and chamfering milling cutters, the rotation speed and feed rate of chamfering cutters of milling machines,…

Reamer sarrera

Reamer sarrera

Berariaren sarrera Berari batek hortz bat edo gehiago ditu eta prozesatutako zulo baten gainazalean metal geruza mehe bat kentzeko erabiltzen den erreminta birakaria da. Ertz zuzenak edo kiribilak dituzten akabera tresna birakariak zuloak zabaltzeko edo konpontzeko erabiltzen dira.. Ebaketa bolumen txikia dela eta, mekanizazioaren zehaztasun baldintzak izan ohi dira…

Introduction to rotary files

Introduction to rotary files

Introduction to rotary files Until the mid-1980s, most rotary files were manufactured by hand. With the increasing development of computer numerical control technology, automated machines have begun to become popular, relying on them to carve rotary files of any groove shape, and to adapt them to specific cutting requirements by trimming the tail end. The