
Princippet om trepunkts indvendig diameter mikrometer

Princippet om trepunkts indvendig diameter mikrometer

The three-point inner diameter micrometer is a commonly used measuring tool used to measure the inner diameter of workpieces. it is made up of three
It consists of two measuring styli, som er placeret på tre sider af mikrometeret. Two of the stylus can be used to measure the inner surface of the micrometer.
two opposite sides of the diameter, while the third stylus is used to determine where to measure. The following is a three-point inner diameter dryer
The principle of the measuring scale is explained in detail.

The principle of the three-point bore micrometer is based on two basic concepts: the measuring principle and the spring principle.

First, let’s look at the principles of measurement. The two stylus pins of the three-point internal diameter dry measuring ruler can measure both sides of the internal diameter.
The opposite surfaces are generally called the master contact pin and the slave contact pin respectively. When the three-point inside micrometer is placed on the inside diameter of the workpiece
When on, the stylus will come into contact with the surface of the workpiece. The movement of the stylus is accomplished by the scale on the dial and the measuring mechanism.
The graduations on the dial are in 0.001 mm increments and are used to read measurements.

Secondly, let’s take a look at the spring principle. In a three-point bore micrometer, the contact pin is connected to the body via a spring.
When the stylus comes into contact with the surface of the workpiece, the stylus will undergo elastic deformation due to the force exerted on it by the workpiece. stylus
The amount of deformation is proportional to the inner diameter of the workpiece. Through the action of spring force, the deformation of the stylus will be converted into
Measuring linear motion on a metrology mechanism.

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