Inderdiameter indikator

Inderdiameter indikator

Indikator for indvendig diameter Overfladeruheden af ​​ekspansionsfjedertypens indre diametermåler overstiger ikke 0,1um. Målestålet af stålkugle-type indvendig diametermåler Kuglens overfladeruhed og positioneringsstålkuglen må ikke overstige 0,05um. Radiusprøve til sondesfærisk radiusBoard-sammenligning. Kravene er alle mindre end 1/2…

Z-akse værktøjssæt standard introduktion

Z-akse værktøjssæt standard introduktion

Z-akse værktøjsopstiller standard introduktion I CNC værktøjsmaskiner behandling, nøjagtig værktøjsindstilling er et afgørende skridt. Z-akse værktøjssættet er værktøj, der spiller en vigtig rolle i denne proces. Den kan nøjagtigt bestemme højdepositionen af ​​emnets overflade ved at registrere højden af ​​skæreværktøjet i Z-aksens retning.…

Principle of use of centering lever dial indicator

Principle of use of centering lever dial indicator

Principle of use of centering lever dial indicator I. IntroductionThe centering lever dial indicator is used to measure the length, diameter, thickness and other dimensions of objects.Precision measuring tools. It adopts the lever principle and mechanical transmission principle, and measures the leverMicro deformation of the rod ruler to achieve accurate measurement. F1 * L1 =

Complete specifications and models of chamfering cutters and milling cutters

Complete specifications and models of chamfering cutters and milling cutters

Complete specifications and models of chamfering cutters and milling cutters Chamfering cutters and chamfering milling cutters are commonly used tools in machining for chamfering and milling workpieces. This article will elaborate on the specifications and models of chamfering cutters and chamfering milling cutters, the rotation speed and feed rate of chamfering cutters of milling machines,…

Reamer introduction

Reamer introduction

Reamer introduction A reamer has one or more teeth and is a rotating tool used to remove a thin layer of metal on the surface of a processed hole.Rotary finishing tools with straight or spiral edges are used for hole expansion or repair. Due to the small cutting volume, the machining accuracy requirements are usually

Introduction to rotary files

Introduction to rotary files

Introduction to rotary files Until the mid-1980s, most rotary files were manufactured by hand. With the increasing development of computer numerical control technology, automated machines have begun to become popular, relying on them to carve rotary files of any groove shape, and to adapt them to specific cutting requirements by trimming the tail end. The