Vernier kaliber model en spesifikasie
Vernier kaliber model en spesifikasie
There are many specifications of vernier calipers, insluitend 0-100mm, 0-150mm, 0-200mm, 0-300mm, 0-600mm, 0-1000mm, 0-1500mm, ens. Daarby, die akkuraatheid van die vernierkaliper is ook 0.01mm, 0.02mm en 0,05 mm.
Die leesmetode van 'n vernierkaliper is soortgelyk aan dié van 'n mikrometer. It is structurally composed of a main scale and a vernier attached to the main scale that can slide freely.
There are several types of vernier calipers:
- Mechanical vernier calipers: Mechanical vernier calipers have the best measurement stability and are most widely used in automobile maintenance work.
- Digital display vernier caliper: The specific value measured will be displayed on the display in digital form, so the reading is very intuitive and clear, which can avoid the error of naked eye reading.
- Vernier caliper with table: It mainly uses the rack drive gear to drive the pointer to display the value. There is a rough scale on the main scale. Combined with the reading of the indicator, it is faster and more accurate than the reading of the mechanical vernier caliper.