Vernier caliper



There are many specifications of vernier calipers, 包括0-100mm, 0-150毫米, 0-200毫米, 0-300毫米, 0-600毫米, 0-1000毫米, 0-1500毫米, ETC. 此外, 游标卡尺的精度也是0.01mm, 0.02毫米和0.05毫米.
游标卡尺的读数方法与千分尺类似. It is structurally composed of a main scale and a vernier attached to the main scale that can slide freely.
There are several types of vernier calipers:

  1. Mechanical vernier calipers: Mechanical vernier calipers have the best measurement stability and are most widely used in automobile maintenance work.
  2. Digital display vernier caliper: The specific value measured will be displayed on the display in digital form, so the reading is very intuitive and clear, which can avoid the error of naked eye reading.
  3. Vernier caliper with table: It mainly uses the rack drive gear to drive the pointer to display the value. There is a rough scale on the main scale. Combined with the reading of the indicator, it is faster and more accurate than the reading of the mechanical vernier caliper.
Vernier caliper
Vernier caliper



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