milling cutter

Чем отличается фрезер от дрели?

Чем отличается фрезер от дрели?

Фреза: Фреза — вращающийся инструмент с одним или несколькими зубьями.. Во время работы, каждый зуб ножа срезает припуск заготовки с перерывами поочередно. Фрезы в основном используются для обработки плоскостей., шаги, канавки, forming surfaces and cutting off workpieces on milling machines. To ensure that a sufficiently high average chip thickness/feed per tooth is used, the correct number of milling cutter teeth for the operation must be determined.

В целом, milling cutters are divided into:

1. Flat-end milling cutter for rough milling, removing many blanks, and fine milling of small horizontal planes or contours.

milling cutter

2. Ball end milling cutter, for semi-finishing and finishing milling of curved surfaces; small ball end milling cutter can finish milling of small chamfers on steep surfaces/straight walls and irregular contour surfaces.

Ball end milling cutter

3. The flat-end milling cutter has a chamfer, which can be used for rough milling to remove many blanks and finely milled with small chamfers on flat surfaces (relative to steep surfaces).

The flat-end milling cutter

4. Forming milling cutters, including chamfering, T-shaped milling or drum-shaped, tooth-shaped, and inner R cutters.

5. Chamfering cutter, the shape of the chamfering cutter is the same as that of chamfering, divided into milling cutters with rounded chamfers and bevelled chamfers.

6. T-shaped knife can mill T-shaped slots.

T-shaped milling cutter

7. Tooth cutter, milling out various tooth shapes, such as gears.

face endmill

8. Rough leather knife, a rough milling cutter designed for aluminum-copper alloy cutting, can be processed quickly

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