Electric hammer chisel has several specifications

Electric hammer chisel has several specifications

Electric hammer chisel has several specifications The electric hammer drill is a very commonly used drilling tool. It can play many roles in the construction of houses, so it is necessary to know some knowledge about it. During the construction of the electric hammer drill, the size of the hole depends on the electric hammer

Requisitos técnicos para pastilhas intercambiáveis ​​de metal duro

Requisitos técnicos para pastilhas intercambiáveis ​​de metal duro

Requisitos técnicos para pastilhas intercambiáveis ​​de metal duro 1 Requisitos técnicos para pastilhas intercambiáveis ​​com furos redondos, metal duro sem furo e com rebaixo (1) A retidão da parte traseira da lâmina não é superior a 0,05 mm côncava para dentro e não superior a 0,03 mm convexa para fora. ⑵, o nivelamento da superfície da base da lâmina, o…

Paquímetro Vernier Especial 0-150mm 200mm 300mm

Paquímetro Vernier Especial 0-150mm 200mm 300mm

Paquímetro Vernier especial 0-150mm 200mm 300mm Paquímetro Vernier 0-150mm 200mm 300mm oferta especial por tempo limitado, logotipo pode ser personalizado, embalado em caixa de pvc e plástico. Outros calibradores de exibição noturna, pinças de aço inoxidável, 10% desconto para paquímetros digitais de alta precisão de nível industrial, bem-vindo para consultar

The difference between twist drill and impact drill

The difference between twist drill and impact drill

The difference between twist drill and impact drill 1. The impact drill is improved on the basis of the twist drill to make it suitable for various operating requirements. The shape can be understood in this way. The twist drill is a simple handle + spiral, and the impact drill is mostly handle + spiral

The difference between electric hammer and impact drill

The difference between electric hammer and impact drill

The difference between electric hammer and impact drill Both impact drills and electric drills are commonly used tools in house construction and home improvement, but laymen still don’t know when to use an impact drill and when to use an electric hammer. Today, the editor will introduce to you the difference between impact drills and

Tool size international inch (in) and metric centimeter (milímetros) conversion

Tool size international inch (in) and metric centimeter (milímetros) conversion

Tool size international inch (in) and metric centimeter (milímetros) conversion Inch (inch, abbreviated as in or ″), also known asinch”, is an imperial unit of length, which is used in the British unit of length, and is also used in the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries. “Inchis a polyphonic Chinese character

The most complete instructions for using the dial indicator

The most complete instructions for using the dial indicator

The most complete instructions for using the dial indicator The dial indicator is a comparative measuring tool with high precision, mainly used to detect the shape and position error of the workpiece, and it can also be used to correct the installation of the workpiece on the machine tool. It can only measure relative values,…