end mill

Apa itu kilang akhir?

Apa itu kilang akhir?

1. Apa itu kilang akhir?

End mills are generally used for milling end faces; bukannya pengilangan slot, pemotong alur kunci digunakan untuk slot pengilangan. Pemotong pengilangan cakera digunakan terutamanya untuk mengisar muka hujung yang besar kerana diameter pemotong pengilangan cakera secara amnya agak besar, and milling large end faces is milling. It is faster, and the saw blade milling cutter is generally used for milling.

2. Why can’t the end mill cut vertically?

When the end mill rotates, the midpoint of the bottom edge is relatively static, and it does not have any cutting and chip removal properties, so it cannot be cut vertically.

3. How to determine the feed rate of the end mill?

The choice of cutting amount should be considered comprehensively with factors such as tools, workpieces, and machine tools. The main cutting edge of the end mill is the peripheral edge. 0.25-0.3mm, it should be matched with cutting parameters such as cutting speed, axial depth of cut, and radial depth of cut.

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