Electric hammer chisel has several specifications

Electric hammer chisel has several specifications

Electric hammer chisel has several specifications The electric hammer drill is a very commonly used drilling tool. It can play many roles in the construction of houses, so it is necessary to know some knowledge about it. During the construction of the electric hammer drill, the size of the hole depends on the electric hammer

Technical requirements for cemented carbide indexable inserts

Technical requirements for cemented carbide indexable inserts

Technical requirements for cemented carbide indexable inserts 1 Technical requirements for indexable inserts with round holes, non-hole and counterbore cemented carbide (1) The straightness of the back of the blade is not more than 0.05mm concave inward and not more than 0.03mm convex outward. , the flatness of the base surface of the blade, the

The difference between electric hammer and impact drill

The difference between electric hammer and impact drill

The difference between electric hammer and impact drill Both impact drills and electric drills are commonly used tools in house construction and home improvement, but laymen still don’t know when to use an impact drill and when to use an electric hammer. Today, the editor will introduce to you the difference between impact drills and

Tool size international inch (in) and metric centimeter (mm) conversion

Tool size international inch (in) and metric centimeter (mm) conversion

Tool size international inch (in) and metric centimeter (mm) conversion Inch (inch, abbreviated as in or ″), also known asinch”, is an imperial unit of length, which is used in the British unit of length, and is also used in the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries. “Colo” is a polyphonic Chinese character

La plej kompletaj instrukcioj por uzi la cifer-indikilon

La plej kompletaj instrukcioj por uzi la cifer-indikilon

La plej kompletaj instrukcioj por uzi la ciferindikilon La ciferindikilo estas kompara mezurilo kun alta precizeco, ĉefe uzata por detekti la formon kaj pozician eraron de la laborpeco, kaj ĝi ankaŭ povas esti uzata por korekti la instaladon de la laborpeco sur la maŝinilo. Ĝi povas nur mezuri relativajn valorojn,…